Sunday 26 December 2010

I can't believe it's December

December has been cold and snowy but full of mulled wine and gin so everything is ok. Our little hen Myrtle has survived the sub zero temperatures and remains chirpy and up beat. Now all we need is some new chickens so she can have some friends, as she gets a bit lonely sometimes.

Christmas provided all the usual Yule time festivities. Christmas Eve at the Wheatsheaf pub, Midnight Mass with the family, members of my family being slightly too merry and pudding’s and monopoly at the Millards.

I managed to create Pheasant Pie on Christmas day that was lovely. I went pheasant beating back in November so I’ve had it in the freezer skinned and gutted ready to be cooked. I put together two recipes that I found online so in total it contained leeks, mushrooms, chestnuts, a lick of cream and a slurp of orange juice- and of course some lovely bits of pheasant. It was a treat. I’m hoping next year I can make another one and by then my home made sloe gin will be ready-can’t wait.

The snow has finally begun to melt in Wiltshire and once more I can see the grass in the fields. As I look out my window a worrying shade of grey lingers in the sky. There is a mist that needs to be shaken off. The last few days of December need to shake off the lasting bitter dew.


  1. Your pheasant pie sounds amazing. I've never had one but would love to try one someday! (I've eaten quail before; perhaps pheasant tastes similar?)

    I hope you have a nice New Year's Eve!

  2. pheasant pie is amazing!happy new year
    pheasant tastes a bit like wild boar...
